MTA 系列

- Emphasis On Process ResearchPressure sensors are not ordinary industrial products, but the perfect masterpieces of microelectronics, materials, mechanics, chemistry, and mechanics.
- Long LastingThe proximity sensor can perform non-contact sensing detection, so it will not wear and damage the detection object, and there will be no sparks and noise. Since it is a non-contact output method, it has a long service life and has almost no impact on the life of the point.
- Strong Anti-interference AbilityFor example, high temperature, vibration, high-voltage electrical pulse, etc., will interfere with the sensor signal. Industrial sensors must be able to resist various interferences generated in the manufacturing process.
- Information FusionAt present, the definition of multi-sensor information fusion is more inclined to make full use of multi-sensor data resources of different time and space, and analyze, integrate, control and use the obtained observation data, and then realize corresponding decision-making and estimation, so that the system can obtain better results. sufficient information.

Senmol 拥有多种传感器,可以满足各种不同的应用需求。而且传感器性能好,服务好,生产效率高。在确认订单后,我们会及时安排生产部门进行生产,对比多个出口口岸的时效性,尽最大努力将产品尽快交付给您。

Senmol | 传感器工业产品
Senmol | 为汽车和摩托车配件、家用电器、环境监测、医疗设备、机器人、大气压力监测、工业自动控制、一般进气压力等行业提供高质量的芯片传感器产品。



水位传感器是指能将被测点的水位参数实时转换为相应功率信号的仪器。其工作原理是:容器中的水位传感器将感应到的水位信号传输给控制器,控制器中的计算机将测得的水位信号与设定信号进行比较,得出偏差,然后根据偏差的性质,向控制器。供水电动阀发出 “打开 “和 “关闭 “指令,以确保容器达到设定的水位。

在空压机控制系统中,安装在空压机后端的出气管上的压力传感器用来控制空压机的压力。当空压机启动时,加载电磁阀关闭,加载气缸不动作,变频器驱动电机无负荷运行。如果后端用气设备停止用气,后端管道和储气罐中的压缩空气压力逐渐升高。当达到压力的上限时,压力传感器发出卸载信号,加载电磁阀停止工作,进气口 过滤器关闭,电机无负荷运行。
Hope to give us a good price, Jaja!
Thank you, your service was great, thanks Rex.
Thank you Rex for helping us with our plans.
Good service, good quality, and the engineer is working hard for our factory.
Related Products
The minimum order quantity is 1000PCS for chip products, 500PCS for module products, and 100PCS for whole parts products (automotive and industrial products).
We will choose the appropriate packaging material according to the quantity and size, and use foam to fill the outer box, and the external reinforcement with waterproof material to ensure that your products will be safe in the transportation process.
Our product delivery time is usually 3 to 4 weeks. In the case of ODM products, the specific time according to the communication between the technical staff and you shall prevail.
If you encounter problems with the use of the product, there will be our professional technicians online 24 hours a day to answer questions.
If there are quality problems there will be our senior customer service specialists online 24 hours a day to deal with you.
Quality problems caused by non-human factors can be replenished after sending back the product analysis to confirm the problem.